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Stand out with Bonage’s beautifully hand crafted, leather bags collection. Designed with the busy women in mind, our leather bags are made to be worn day, night and anywhere in between thanks to the functional details of each handbag. All our handbags are 100% Italian made, inspired by the latest fashion trends and crafted to perfection.

Showing 1–9 of 10 results

Large Smooth Leather Tote Marine
Large Smooth Leather Tote Marine
#0 BaseEnum->ListOptions(CountryISO2='US' ) called at [/var/www/vhosts/] #1 EnumCountries->CountryIdByISO2Code(US) called at [/var/www/vhosts/] #2 GeoIP::GetGeoIPCountryID() called at [/var/www/vhosts/] #3 ProductPrices::GetProductPriceItem(ProductListingItem Object ([CreatedDateTime] => ,[ModifiedDateTime] => 2023-12-29 09:23:33,[CategoryID1] => 14,[CategoryID2] => 0,[ItemName] => Large Smooth Leather Tote Marine,[ItemCode] => NC-04,[ItemDesc] =>

Limited edition Navy large leather tote with inner detachable zipped pocket to keep your bag organised and your valuables secure and detachable shoulder strap.

Made in our Italian atelier from smooth leather which is stamped with the house logo, this is the perfect bag for the busy organised woman.

,[ItemShortDesc] => ,[ItemPrice] => 399.99,[ItemSalePrice] => 0,[ItemCostPrice] => 0,[ItemWholeSalePrice] => ,[ItemWholeSaleMinQty] => ,[ItemMainImage] => main_43_73A9334.jpg,[ItemThumbImage] => ,[ItemLargeImage] => ,[AdditionalText] => ,[AdditionalTextCaption] => ,[ItemWeight] => 0,[ItemStock] => 101,[IsTypeWomen] => ,[IsTypeTeen] => ,[IsTypeGirl] => ,[IsTypeBaby] => ,[StockControl] => Default,[ManufacturerCode] => ,[ShipBy] => Batch,[ShippingClassId] => 0,[ShippingCostOther] => 0,[AllowPreOrder] => 0,[ShowMinStockQuantity] => 0,[AvailabilityText] => ,[IsFeatured] => ,[Keywords] => ,[GalleryLinkCaption] => ,[GalleryText] => ,[SizeFieldCaption] => Size,[ColorFieldCaption] => Colour,[CustomField1Caption] => ,[CustomField2Caption] => ,[CustomField3Caption] => ,[SizeFieldControl] => None,[ColorFieldControl] => None,[CustomField1Control] => ,[CustomField2Control] => ,[CustomField3Control] => ,[SizeFieldShow] => 0,[ColorFieldShow] => 0,[CustomField1Optional] => ,[CustomField2Optional] => ,[CustomField3Optional] => ,[Options] => ,[DefaultSubProductID] => ,[SizeGuideId] => ,[ShowPersonalisation] => ,[Notes] => ,[Visible] => 1,[Priority] => 0,[PageTitle] => ,[MetaKeywords] => ,[MetaDescription] => ,[CatName] => ,[CatID] => ,[ImgDir] => product/,[CurrencyItem] => ,[CustomerItem] => ,[Cart] => ,[tableName] => products,[tableFields] => DISTINCT p.*,[tableJoin] => products p LEFT JOIN categories c ON ( LEFT JOIN products_categories pc ON ( ,[tableLetter] => p,[id] => 43,[AutoInsertMissingRecords] => ,[ImagePathRoot] => ,[PrimaryField] => ItemName,[SiteID] => 1,[LanguageID] => 0,[ParentProductID] => 0,[ParentItemCode] => ,[SetParentProductID] => 0,[ProductTypeCategoryID] => 0,[ProductTypeCategoryName] => ,[PageName] => large-smooth-leather-tote-marine.html,[AdditionalItemDesc] => ,[ItemRRPPrice] => 0,[ItemPriceRangeMin] => 0,[ItemPriceRangeMax] => 0,[ItemIsOnSale] => 0,[ItemPackageSize] => 0,[ItemPackageSizeText] => ,[ItemType] => Product,[MinPurchaseQuantity] => 0,[MaxPurchaseQuantity] => 0,[Material] => ,[Brand] => ,[ItemColour] => ,[Barcode] => ,[CustomerPointsAvailable] => Inherit,[CustomerPoints] => 0,[Manufacturer] => ,[WarehouseLocation] => ,[ShippingAllowFree] => 1,[AllowOutOfStockPurchase] => 0,[ItemInStock] => 101,[ItemStockMinLevel] => 0,[ItemStockSuggestedLevel] => 0,[HasSubProducts] => 0,[SubProductListID] => 0,[ChildProductMode] => None,[RelatedProductMode] => Automatic,[Warehouse] => ,[WarehouseCode] => ,[CommodityCode] => ,[CountryOfManufacture] => ,[ItemWidth] => 0,[ItemHeight] => 0,[ItemDepth] => 0,[EstimatedArrivalDate] => 0000-00-00,[Featured] => 0,[Featured2] => 0,[CustomerMessageTextTitle] => ,[DefaultSupplierID] => 0,[DefaultSupplierCache] => ,[GiftWrapAvailable] => Inherit,[GiftWrapPrice] => 10,[GiftWrapUnit] => Unit,[TaxStatus] => Inherit,[DiscountsAllowed] => 1,[PromoNoPriceCoupons] => 0,[PromoNoShippingCoupons] => 0,[DigitalDownloadFile] => ,[ShowForCustomerGroupIDs] => ,[IsSoldOut] => 1,[ProductVisibleCache] => 1,[IsComingSoon] => 0,[IsPreOrder] => 0,[Discontinued] => 0,[ItemColor] => ,[ItemHexColor] => ,[ItemPriceAdjusment] => 0,[ItemSize] => ,[VarItemSuffixCode] => ,[ItemPriceType] => ,[CategoryShowInListCache] => 0,[OldSubProductID] => 0,[VariationSizeCache] => ,[VariationColorCache] => ,[VariationItemCodeCache] => ,[ShowVariationsInListing] => 0,[InSync] => 1,[SubProductListOptionID] => 0,[PurchaseDate] => 0000-00-00,[SharedProductID] => 0,[Deleted] => 0,[SoldBy] => piece,[ItemLabour] => 0.00,[ItemProfit] => 0,[Material1] => ,[Material2] => ,[IsDigital] => 0,[CustomerProductCustomisation] => Inherit,[CustomerProductCustomisationData] => ,[FeaturedImage] => ), 3, 1, ) called at [/var/www/vhosts/] #4 ProductPrices::ApplyProductPrice(ProductListingItem Object ([CreatedDateTime] => ,[ModifiedDateTime] => 2023-12-29 09:23:33,[CategoryID1] => 14,[CategoryID2] => 0,[ItemName] => Large Smooth Leather Tote Marine,[ItemCode] => NC-04,[ItemDesc] =>

Limited edition Navy large leather tote with inner detachable zipped pocket to keep your bag organised and your valuables secure and detachable shoulder strap.

Made in our Italian atelier from smooth leather which is stamped with the house logo, this is the perfect bag for the busy organised woman.

,[ItemShortDesc] => ,[ItemPrice] => 399.99,[ItemSalePrice] => 0,[ItemCostPrice] => 0,[ItemWholeSalePrice] => ,[ItemWholeSaleMinQty] => ,[ItemMainImage] => main_43_73A9334.jpg,[ItemThumbImage] => ,[ItemLargeImage] => ,[AdditionalText] => ,[AdditionalTextCaption] => ,[ItemWeight] => 0,[ItemStock] => 101,[IsTypeWomen] => ,[IsTypeTeen] => ,[IsTypeGirl] => ,[IsTypeBaby] => ,[StockControl] => Default,[ManufacturerCode] => ,[ShipBy] => Batch,[ShippingClassId] => 0,[ShippingCostOther] => 0,[AllowPreOrder] => 0,[ShowMinStockQuantity] => 0,[AvailabilityText] => ,[IsFeatured] => ,[Keywords] => ,[GalleryLinkCaption] => ,[GalleryText] => ,[SizeFieldCaption] => Size,[ColorFieldCaption] => Colour,[CustomField1Caption] => ,[CustomField2Caption] => ,[CustomField3Caption] => ,[SizeFieldControl] => None,[ColorFieldControl] => None,[CustomField1Control] => ,[CustomField2Control] => ,[CustomField3Control] => ,[SizeFieldShow] => 0,[ColorFieldShow] => 0,[CustomField1Optional] => ,[CustomField2Optional] => ,[CustomField3Optional] => ,[Options] => ,[DefaultSubProductID] => ,[SizeGuideId] => ,[ShowPersonalisation] => ,[Notes] => ,[Visible] => 1,[Priority] => 0,[PageTitle] => ,[MetaKeywords] => ,[MetaDescription] => ,[CatName] => ,[CatID] => ,[ImgDir] => product/,[CurrencyItem] => ,[CustomerItem] => ,[Cart] => ,[tableName] => products,[tableFields] => DISTINCT p.*,[tableJoin] => products p LEFT JOIN categories c ON ( LEFT JOIN products_categories pc ON ( ,[tableLetter] => p,[id] => 43,[AutoInsertMissingRecords] => ,[ImagePathRoot] => ,[PrimaryField] => ItemName,[SiteID] => 1,[LanguageID] => 0,[ParentProductID] => 0,[ParentItemCode] => ,[SetParentProductID] => 0,[ProductTypeCategoryID] => 0,[ProductTypeCategoryName] => ,[PageName] => large-smooth-leather-tote-marine.html,[AdditionalItemDesc] => ,[ItemRRPPrice] => 0,[ItemPriceRangeMin] => 0,[ItemPriceRangeMax] => 0,[ItemIsOnSale] => 0,[ItemPackageSize] => 0,[ItemPackageSizeText] => ,[ItemType] => Product,[MinPurchaseQuantity] => 0,[MaxPurchaseQuantity] => 0,[Material] => ,[Brand] => ,[ItemColour] => ,[Barcode] => ,[CustomerPointsAvailable] => Inherit,[CustomerPoints] => 0,[Manufacturer] => ,[WarehouseLocation] => ,[ShippingAllowFree] => 1,[AllowOutOfStockPurchase] => 0,[ItemInStock] => 101,[ItemStockMinLevel] => 0,[ItemStockSuggestedLevel] => 0,[HasSubProducts] => 0,[SubProductListID] => 0,[ChildProductMode] => None,[RelatedProductMode] => Automatic,[Warehouse] => ,[WarehouseCode] => ,[CommodityCode] => ,[CountryOfManufacture] => ,[ItemWidth] => 0,[ItemHeight] => 0,[ItemDepth] => 0,[EstimatedArrivalDate] => 0000-00-00,[Featured] => 0,[Featured2] => 0,[CustomerMessageTextTitle] => ,[DefaultSupplierID] => 0,[DefaultSupplierCache] => ,[GiftWrapAvailable] => Inherit,[GiftWrapPrice] => 10,[GiftWrapUnit] => Unit,[TaxStatus] => Inherit,[DiscountsAllowed] => 1,[PromoNoPriceCoupons] => 0,[PromoNoShippingCoupons] => 0,[DigitalDownloadFile] => ,[ShowForCustomerGroupIDs] => ,[IsSoldOut] => 1,[ProductVisibleCache] => 1,[IsComingSoon] => 0,[IsPreOrder] => 0,[Discontinued] => 0,[ItemColor] => ,[ItemHexColor] => ,[ItemPriceAdjusment] => 0,[ItemSize] => ,[VarItemSuffixCode] => ,[ItemPriceType] => ,[CategoryShowInListCache] => 0,[OldSubProductID] => 0,[VariationSizeCache] => ,[VariationColorCache] => ,[VariationItemCodeCache] => ,[ShowVariationsInListing] => 0,[InSync] => 1,[SubProductListOptionID] => 0,[PurchaseDate] => 0000-00-00,[SharedProductID] => 0,[Deleted] => 0,[SoldBy] => piece,[ItemLabour] => 0.00,[ItemProfit] => 0,[Material1] => ,[Material2] => ,[IsDigital] => 0,[CustomerProductCustomisation] => Inherit,[CustomerProductCustomisationData] => ,[FeaturedImage] => ), 399.99, , 1) called at [/var/www/vhosts/] #5 ProductItem->FinalItemPrice(1, , 1, 1, 1) called at [/var/www/vhosts/] #6 ProductItem->FinalItemPriceIncVAT() called at [/var/www/vhosts/] #7 ProductItem->FormatFinalItemPriceIncVAT() called at [/var/www/vhosts/] #8 include(/var/www/vhosts/ called at [/var/www/vhosts/] #9 include(/var/www/vhosts/ called at [/var/www/vhosts/] Unable to list enums